Health Fair Planning And Coordination
Here are some things you need to consider in planning your Health Fair.
Health Fair Coordinator
A Church member that leads out in coordinating a Health Fair team.
Responsible for making sure that all needed supplies are collected and organized so that the Fair can operate. Coordinates volunteers to be in charge of the various stations. Oversees/designates people to be in charge of securing a suitable location as well as advertising for the Health Fair
Centrally-located community center is best, public building / school, mall or shopping center, church grounds as a last resort – some people are reluctant to come to a church location.
Advertising can be expensive, so it is important to determine what the most effective methods are in your area and choose the ones within your budget. Present it as a service to the community, by volunteers, and emphasize the non-profit characteristics of the event.
- Handbills
- Posters are also effective for display in public places.
- Community announcements with a “loud speaker car”
- TV and Radio
- Newspapers