We have included here links to outside resources that we have found valuable in our own quest for information/truth. Some of the sites listed provide very good information about certain topics of interest, however we do not agree with everything presented on these sites. Other sites we find no problems with and endorse whole-heartedly. Please feel free to explore these sites in your quest to gain more knowledge, but be a wise consumer of information. Just click on the logo to go to the respective web sites.
Northern Lights Health Education
John Clark, M.D. and his wife Julie maintain this simple, yet powerful website. They focus on natural remedies to various diseases, and the site includes free online videos of his presentations. There is nothing here that we wouldn’t endorse.
AudioVerse is a large, and rapidly growing, resource for audio sermons online. Started and maintained by friends of mine, Audioverse is booming across the globe, bringing quality sermons/teaching to you in the comfort of your home. Download it, put it on a CD, and listen to it in your car when you travel. We do!
Amazing Facts
Amazing Facts, currently headed by Doug Batchelor, has been bringing the Word of God to people across the globe for the last 40 years. There is a host of free materials on the website, including podcasts, online radio, Bible studies, and booklets. Have you ever wondered what happens to good and bad people when they die? Is there really a Hell? When does the Judgment happen? All of these questions and more are answered here.
Wildwood Lifestyle Center and Hospital is just that, a lifestyle center and hospital. Located in northern Georgia, the Wildwood website offers information on various health conditions, natural remedies, herbs, and spiritual topics, as well as online videos and MP3 downloads. The center itself offers live-in lifestyle programs, medical missionary training, as well as a hospital.
Uchee Pines
Uchee Pines lifestyle center is located in eastern Alabama. It’s web site offers a wide variety of information on health topics and natural remedies. Look for Counseling Sheets under the Health Resources section. Uchee Pines, as with Wildwood, offers live-in lifestyle programs as well as medical missionary training programs.
Gospel Ministries International
GMI, under the leadership of David Gates, is an international organization that promotes projects (TV, radio, schools, clinics, medical evacuation, etc.) that positively impact the communities in which they operate. The website offers many free books, videos, and audio downloads. David’s sermons/stories are awe-inspiring and faith-building.
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine) is headed by Neal Barnard, M.D. and is a group of health professionals, scientists, and lay persons dedicated to reform through, among other things, preventive medicine and plant-based diets. Their web page we have linked to provides great scientific evidence for plant-based diets and other preventive medicine subjects. Also, look up Dr. Barnard’s books online.
Caring for the Heart Ministries
Caring for the Heart Ministries is headed by John Regier, a retired minister who has gone into full-time counseling. Over the years, he has developed a unique form of prayer counseling that rapidly resolves issues (abuse, moral failure, bitterness, hypocrisy, etc.). We recommend his Rekindling Marital Intimacy video series along with the Biblical Concepts Counseling Workbook, both of which can be found by clicking on the Counseling Resources tab and then the Resources tab.
Lay Institute for Global Health Training
Lay Institute for Global Health Training is an organization dedicated to educating medical missionaries, especially in international territories. They send teams of educators to interested countries to educate medical missionaries and then develop sustainable lifestyle/health education centers.
Restoration International
Restoration International, headed by Tom and Alane Waters, is a ministry focused on Christian living and family life. They have very good information, and lots of audio/video presentations for sale, as well as a host of free downloads you can enjoy. Check them out.
The Natural Healing Through the Laws of Health
The Natural Healing Through the Laws of Health (NHTLH) web site provides abundant resources for you to peruse and enjoy. There are disease-specific articles, articles on the benefits of certain foods, recipes, video presentations, book store, etc.
Children’s Ministry Place
Children’s Ministry Place is a nice resource for Bible studies, Bible story lessons, digital films, PowerPoint presentations, children’s education resources, book store, scripture songs, and much more. “Cultivating a love for the Bible in Children’s hearts” is their goal. Enjoy!
Open Doors to Heaven
Open Doors to Heaven is a good resource for child character development from a Christian/nature standpoint. They have a small selection of videos and a nice character journal plus a few other items for parents interested in their children’s Christian character development.
Titus2 is an excellent resource for Christian families. There is abundant parenting information and home management, as well as family relationships. I have been very moved by the life and example of the Maxwell’s. They are a Godly example of what a family should be!