Support Us
As H.E.A.L.T.H. by the Book grows, we face certain challenges to moving forward. Here, we are posting our current growth needs, so that you can have an opportunity in joining us in fulfilling these needs. Please consider prayerfully how you can team up with H.E.A.L.T.H. by the Book. Contact us if you are interested in helping support our ministry. Support may be financial, but also includes encouragement, spreading the word, suggestions, prayer, etc.
We are grateful for any support that you are willing to give. We are currently unable to accept donations online and we are working on tax-deductible options for those in the U.S. who are interested in such options. Please use our contact form to contact us for current tax-deductible options.
Our Current Needs
- Volunteers – to help with coordinating ministry needs, assist in the development and distribution of materials, and be involved in lectures, sermons, cooking schools, health fairs, etc.
- Resource literature to be handed out at seminars/cooking schools/health fairs (sharing books, booklets, magazines, etc.) and assistance in shipping materials to Trinidad.
- Audiovisual equipment (projectors, screens, laptop computers, etc.) for use in health evangelism to communities and churches.
- Literature evangelism /health materials and assistance with shipping costs to help our medical missionary/literature evangelist.
- Blank CD’s & DVD’s and replication materials for production of low-cost health & evangelism materials for distribution throughout Trinidad & Tobago.
- Cheap/free property in the city for vegan restaurants, simple treatment rooms, health education centers, welfare ministries, etc.
- Land in the country (minimum of 15 acres, but much more would be better) for development of lifestyle center work, agricultural development and education, and medical missionary training.
- Vehicle(s) to be used by the organization to help transport medical missionaries and supplies around Trinidad & Tobago.
- Money to help fund multiple ministry opportunities as we seek to move forward in faith.
- Prayers. We are in need of your prayers. We recognize that we can do nothing on our own, and we are dependent upon God to accomplish any work that heaven recognizes, so we ask for your fervent, persistent prayers for us as we seek to move forward in the fear and admonition of the Lord.