Wellness, by the Book
It is no secret that our societies are becoming more and more ill. The incidence of diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, and cancers of all types are all on the rise. Each of these, and nearly every other disease, are related, in one way or another, to unhealthy lifestyles.
The body is indelibly linked with the mind and soul. Each impacts the other, and as such, true wellness is found by addressing all three: mind, body, and soul. We have been created by a loving God, who designed for us to enjoy perpetual health. Unfortunately, through our own [humanity’s] decision to disobey Him, we have been under the curse of sin since the fall of Adam and Eve. Sin brings with it sickness and death. It is by cooperating with God in pursuing the Ways to Wellness that He has for us that we recover health. It is by violation of these Ways to Wellness that brings sickness. Ultimately, God is in charge, and we must put our trust in Him to bring about healing on His terms and in His timing. One day, we will enjoy perfect health in heaven, but currently, we have to deal with the effects of living in a sinful world.
Here, we bring you information and resources to aid you in finding greater health and wellness, not just in your life, but in the lives of those around you; not just physically, but also mentally and spiritually.
We have organized this section with each of the eight Ways to Wellness listed below. Just click on each of these sections, and you will be taken to another page dedicated to that topic. This site is under continual construction, so please re-visit from time to time to get further information.