Entire Trust In God Table
The Entire Trust in God table is where you will explore the participant’s trust in God. This will be done through the avenue of stress. In this station, the participants will be asked to fill out the stress test that is located in their Health Fair Booklet. Once completed, you can grade the test (see the supplies & instructions form for details on grading the test) and write the results in the back of their Health Fair Booklet.
This then is the springboard that you can use to discuss worry, fear, stress, anxiety, trust, coping skills, etc. This is a way of assessing where an individual is in their own emotional life and has implications to their trust in God. 1 John 4:18 tells us, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” As you can see, if someone is suffering from stress, anxiety, worry, or fears, there is a problem with their trust in God. You can use this information to probe (with their permission) into reasons why they are dealing with such feelings and help counsel them (it is good to have a professional Christian counsellor / pastor at this station).
This is a great place to have some free Christian literature available that you can hand out to participants depending upon their underlying issues and needs. You can do a world of good at this station, or you can just go through the motions and miss multiple opportunities of reaching to the heart of one’s problem. Be prayerful and follow the Holy Spirit’s lead as you interact with participants at this very important station.