Overweight 3

In the last two nuggets, we looked at the problems of overweight and obesity and what to avoid in weight loss programs. Today we are going to start looking at the principles of healthy weight loss.

This first point may surprise you, but healthy weight loss begins with a large breakfast. A good breakfast sets your metabolism for the day. If you skip breakfast, you body doesn’t know when it is going to get calories, and it sets your metabolic rate lower in order to conserve energy and thus you end up burning less calories throughout the day. So start with a good breakfast if you want to lose weight.

Second, stop snacking and start scheduling! There is no such thing as a good snack. It doesn’t matter if it is a carrot or apple, snacks are not good for you--specially if you want to lose weight. The stomach needs 4 hours to digest a meal and at least an hour to rest, so space meals at least 5 hours apart. Many people are surprised by how many calories they consume while snacking. If you are hungry between meals, drink water. It will satisfy your hunger for a while without giving you any calories.

The digestive tract needs regularity, so plan your meals at about the same time each day. Most people do better with two meals a day rather than 3, and cutting out that third meal is a great way of decreasing your calorie intake. Breakfast should be large, lunch medium, and supper, if you have it at all, should be small. Make sure you don’t eat within 4 hours of bedtime. You want your stomach empty when you go to sleep. This is important for weight loss.

Third, avoid harmful substances. Stay away from alcoholic beverages, tobacco, caffeine, diet pills, and other harmful substances. These break down the power of the will and make it much harder to keep up your new lifestyle. If you have a problem with one of these, why not give it up at the same time you start your new weight loss lifestyle? Living this new lifestyle will help decrease your cravings and withdrawals.

Fourth, drink water. Avoid juice, soft drinks, mauby, milk, and other drinks. These add significant calories to your diet through the day. Besides, your body needs water to function properly, and it contains no calories. Your cat doesn’t drink coke or coffee. They know it’s not good for them. Drink 1 ounce of water daily for every pound that you weight. And again, if you are hungry between meals, drink water.

On our next H.E.A.L.T.H. by the Book nugget, we will look at further principles of healthy weight loss; so stay tuned.

God bless you abundantly as you learn to live God’s WELLNESS way.