A fomentation consists of a local application of moist heat to a body surface and can be applied a number of times in succession. This is the most effective means for relieving pain. The fomentation pad is usually made of blanket material, 50% wool to retain heat & 50% cotton to retain moisture, but towels can also be used.
- Arthritis pain
- Stress
- Cerebral congestion
- Indigestion
- Colon pain (colic)
- Suppression of urine
- Constipation
- Sluggish liver
- Menstrual pain
- Inflammation and toxicity of kidneys (10 min very hot/3 hot)
- Acne
- Hernia
- Edema
- Muscular contraction
- Tetany--nervous disorder-spasms of extremities, with numbness & tingling
- Tic – spasmodic muscular condition
- Alcoholism & drug addiction
- Delirium – a state of mental confusion and excitement
- Malaria – over the liver and spleen
- Dysentery (chronic)
- Bell’s Palsy
- Meniere’s Disease
- Torticollis
- Collapse or shock (to the spine)
- To prepare for a cold treatment (to the spine or abdomen)
Items Needed
- 2-3 fomentation pads
- 2 bath towels
- Container with ice water and wash cloth or bath mittens
- 1 sheet to cover person – blankets if person is cold
- Cold compress material for head and neck
Treatment Procedure
- Pray and ask God to bless the treatment
- Explain the procedure, tell them to tell you when it is too hot and when it isn’t hot enough
- The duration and frequency in changing the fomentations depend upon the desired effect.
- Take care not to burn the person with too hot a fomentation.
- Have the person remove clothing and drape with a sheet.
- Be sure person’s feet are warm (if cold, cover with blanket).
- Cover part to be treated with a bath towel.
- Apply fomentation. To relieve congestion, have the fomentation cover a large area. For local effect, make the fomentation the area size.
- Add another towel if the fomentation is too hot.
- Remove fomentation every 3-5 minutes and use cold mitten friction or rub with cold wash cloth for 30 seconds and then dry the area.
- Reapply fomentation (3-6x in total – always finish with cold).
- Hot fomentation - cold mitten friction and dry area - hot fomentation - cold mitten friction and dry area - hot fomentation - cold mitten friction and dry area.
- In cases of severe pain, have the fomentation as hot as can be tolerated. Omit the cold. No cold for pleurisy, renal colic, dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain).
- If general perspiration was produced – neutral to cool shower or a sponge bath.
- Have person rest 30 minutes.
- For head congestion due to overwork, very hot to upper part of neck or back of head and top of head for 2-3 minutes (3 rotations) with cold compress; Nervous headache & low-pressure headache – very hot to head & warm to neck.
Special Notes
- If this treatment is used for congestion of lungs or other organs use a cold compress to the head and a hot foot bath.
- If this treatment is used for nervous states such as insomnia and nervous tension, use fomentations at a warm temperature instead of hot for 6-10 minutes, omit the cold rub.
- To relieve spasm, use fomentations and 3 rotations
- Acute inflammatory condition: 5-10 minutes for hot fomentation and 30 rotations every 2-3 hours.
- Paralysis or diminished sensibility great care must be exercised to avoid damage to the skin.
- Do not burn
- When the skin is very sensitive (hyperesthesia), the heat will aggravate the pain. Use neutral or cool compresses.